Awele Odita, an upcoming actress, just had a baby boy with NURTW boss, Koko Zaria, and Mumcy Aliyah, the first wife of Koko Zaria, took to Instagram to congratulate her and wish her well. She wrote:
“Congratulations to you sweetie wow it’s a baby boy welcome to the world my prince Original Omo Oloomu Aperan the newest baby in Us#DonaldTrumpBaby#am happy for your dear Awele Aya Oloomu Original#Americababy#MumcyBoy #aweleodita7@kokozaria_americaboy@zargazarbaby@isabellazargazer”Recall that earlier Awele Odita had denied being pregnant for Koko Zaria after Mumcy Aaliyah shared the news on Instagram (read here). Well now that the baby is here and there’s nothing more to hide, Awele is owning up to it and even replied her co-wife’s congratulatory message.